29th Annual Graduate Research Symposium
2024 Winners
1st Set:
3) Shubham Sunil Sharma – Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
2) Xiao Zhang – Biomedical Engineering
1) Suzanne LoTempio – Materials Science & Engineering
2nd Set:
3) Nikita Gupta – Biomedical Engineering
2) Navinya Chimurkar – Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering
1) Anushka Gerald – Biomedical Engineering
3) Cameron Swick – Physical Therapy
2) Sophie Capobianco – Performing Arts
1) Madison Wissman – Physical Therapy
1st Set:
3) Patrick Donahue – Public Health
2) Sanah Suri – Mathematics
1) Isabella Gomes – Ophthalmology and Vision Science
2nd Set:
3) Carly Robinson – Psychological and Brain Sciences
2) Taylor Malachowski – Cell Biology and Physiology
1) Taylor Pedersen – Psychological and Brain Sciences
3rd Set:
3) Reed Trende – Pathology and Immunology
2) Moon Young Kim – Program in Occupational Therapy
1) Benjamin Sanofksy – Anesthesiology
Social Science:
3) Hyun Soo Suh – Economics
2) Dihan Shi – Political Science
1) Jaqueline Garnett – Anthropology
3) Thomas Marsh – Human and Statistical Genetics
2) Yuanyuan He – Biomedical Engineering
1) Nicole Rodriquez Cavero – Physics
About the Event
The Washington University in St. Louis Graduate Student Senate is pleased to host the 29th Annual Graduate Research Symposium on March 26th, 2024. The event will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. at Frick Forum in the Olin Business School, co-sponsored by the Graduate Professional Council, Association of Graduate Engineering Students, and The Graduate Center.
The Symposium is an interdisciplinary platform, welcoming graduate and professional students from all fields and disciplines. It showcases the remarkable scope and depth of graduate research at our university. We invite contributions in all research forms, including primary studies, literature reviews, case studies, and the unveiling of new methodologies. Participants will be grouped by discipline, judged on the clarity, aesthetics, and content of their posters, as well as their presentation skills.
New This Year: Expanded Awards Program
For this year’s Symposium, we’re excited to announce a new award structure based on participation levels in each category:
- Engineering: Four sets of awards for 1st ($250), 2nd ($150), and 3rd ($100) places.
- Science: Three sets of awards for 1st ($250), 2nd ($150), and 3rd ($100) places.
- Professional Studies: Two sets of awards for 1st ($250), 2nd ($150), and 3rd ($100) places.
- Social Sciences: One set of awards for 1st ($250), 2nd ($150), and 3rd ($100) places.
- Humanities: One set of awards for 1st ($250), 2nd ($150), and 3rd ($100) places.
This year’s enhanced prize structure celebrates the excellence of our graduate research community and encourages greater participation. In addition to the individual prizes for each field, the overall top three posters will be recognized with grand prizes of $1500, $1000, and $500, respectively.
We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating the research achievements of our graduate community!
Registration and Abstract Submission https://forms.gle/SogH78AKSrG2FiePA (open until March 24th, 2024, at 11:59 PM CST)
Workshop for Accepted Presenters (March 19th, 4-5 PM at The Graduate Center): Register at https://gradcenter.wustl.edu/calendar_event/graduate-research-pre-symposium-workshop/
Final Poster PDFs Due: https://forms.gle/2bcfKe3wXjxYQxks5 (open until March 24th, 2024, at 11:59 PM CST)
The Graduate Student Senate is currently seeking judges for the 29th Annual Graduate Research Symposium on March 26. We invite faculty, postdocs, and graduate & professional students from the WashU community to participate. This event offers a platform to engage with and evaluate innovative research across a spectrum of disciplines. Your insights as a judge will be invaluable in guiding and inspiring our graduate student body. If you are interested in contributing to this dynamic event, please fill out this form. Please note that judge positions will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so we encourage prompt responses.
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Ruopeng An is an Associate Professor at Brown School and the Division of Computational & Data Sciences and a Faculty Fellow for AI Innovations in Education at the Office of the Provost at WashU. He conducts research to assess population-level policies, local food and built environment, and socioeconomic determinants that affect individuals’ dietary behavior, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, and adiposity in children, adults of all ages, and people with disabilities. His research aims to develop a well-rounded knowledge base and policy recommendations that can inform decision-making and the allocation of resources to combat obesity.
An’s research has been funded by federal agencies and public/private organizations (e.g., OpenAI, Abbott, Amgen). He has wide teaching and methodological expertise, including applied artificial intelligence (machine and deep learning), quantitative policy analysis (causal inference, cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, and microsimulation), applied econometrics and regression analysis, and systematic review and meta-analysis. He founded and chairs the Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics for Public Health (AIBDA) Certificate program and hosts the “Artificial Intelligence in the Social Sciences” Open Classroom series.
With over 200 peer-reviewed journal publications, Dr. An is recognized as one of Elsevier’s top 2% most cited scientists. His work has been highlighted by media outlets such as TIME, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Reuters, USA Today, Bloomberg, Forbes, Atlantic, Guardian, FOX, NPR, and CNN. He serves on research grants and expert panels for NIH, CDC, NSF, HHS, USDA, and the French National Research Agency. He is a Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology. He is an elected Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology and the American Academy of Health Behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is allowed to participate in the Graduate Research Symposium?
Every student enrolled in a graduate program at Washington University in St. Louis is welcome to participate.
What are the requirements for participation in the GRS 2024?
Participants must be enrolled in a graduate program at Washington University in St. Louis, present their research in a poster format, print their own poster, and be on time and present at their poster for the duration they are assigned for the judging process.
Does the research have to be complete or is work in progress allowed?
We welcome contributions at any stage of research.
What are the incentives for me to participate besides just the prize money?
Participating in the symposium provides valuable experience in presenting your research succinctly to a diverse disciplinary audience, learning about ongoing research, inspiring new research ideas, and engaging with the graduate community at large.
What size should posters be?
The maximum size is 32×40 inch.
What will be provided to me for GRS 2024?
We will provide easels, pins/needles, and a limited amount of poster boards on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Is workshop attendance mandatory for GRS 2024?
No workshop is mandatory. However, we highly recommend participating if you are new to giving poster presentations or need a refresher.
Am I required to be in attendance for the entirety of the symposium?
While we encourage attending the entire symposium to fully benefit from the experience, you are required to be present for the time allotted for judging your poster. Flexibility is advised for unforeseen circumstances.
What should I wear to the symposium?
There is no strict dress code, but professional or professional-adjacent attire is recommended.
What should I bring myself to the symposium?
Please bring your poster and, if you have one, a poster board. A limited number of poster boards are available for loan (free of charge) during the event on a first-come, first-serve basis..
Where should I print my poster?
Options on campus would be Olin Library or FedEx. In addition, there are several other options off campus.
What are the criteria for being a judge at GRS 2024?
Faculty, postdocs, and graduate students are welcome to sign up as judges. Judges will evaluate an assigned number of poster presentations based on a provided rubric and must disclose any conflicts of interest. You can sign up here.
Can I apply to be in more than one research category, and do I get to choose my own category?
You will be assigned to one category based on your department affiliation.
Can I apply to be a volunteer for the event?
Yes, volunteers are always needed, especially on the day of the event. Please reach out to schuetz@wustl.edu if you are interested in helping.
Will food and refreshments be provided?
Snacks and drinks will be available, courtesy of The Graduate Center.